Talk Description
War in the Falklands
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This talk covers Edward’s action in the 1982 Falklands war where he served as an anti-aircraft missile operator. It tells of the bitter filthy conditions in which he and his comrades fought, and what it was like to come under air attack day after day, with vivid descriptions of British ships being bombed and sinking, and men losing their lives, to the desperate fight to survive each day. Edward eventually returned home a completely changed man and was never the same again.

This talk focuses on the reality of war, it is not a child-friendly description that sugar coats the fear and vulgar attitude needed to live and fight.

Talk Description
Northern Ireland


This talk covers Edward’s time serving as a soldier in Northern Ireland as part of the British government’s response to sectarian violence that erupted in 1969 and only ended in 2007 after the death of many thousands of people. The most viable threat came from the Provisional Irish Republican Army (The IRA) who carried out many ruthless attacks against British soldiers. Edward and his comrades also had to contend with daily petrol bomb and brick attacks from the nationalist community who supported the IRA. The streets of Northern Ireland were some of the most dangerous places on earth for British soldiers and the threat of death was ever present each and every day. One disturbing incident occurred that nearly ended his life, and which no training could have prevented.

Talk Description
Be positive B+


This talk covers the battle and humour in living with terminal blood cancer and the difference a positive mind can make

No one is guaranteed a long happy life. We get what is given and we must do our best with it. That is what Edward Denmark has done. He spent his early years suffering from illness in  hospital and his formative years growing up in poverty. His opportunity for an education was lost because of a lack of schooling. He watched as his mother battled alcohol addiction which she ultimately lost. Joining the army offered an escape but like most things in his life, this came at a price as he fought for his life in the short but brutal war of the 1982 Falklands war. Patrolling the hostile streets of Northern Ireland, facing death and daily abuse was life for a now battle-hardened young man.

Life, at last, gave Edward a break and after retiring from the army due to injury he settled down with his wife and two children, at last having the family he always wanted. That also came at a price and what was the cruellest blow yet when Edward was diagnosed with incurable blood cancer.

This is a remarkable journey through this final fight and treatment. Facing this adversity, he has found time to be happy and have humour in the most desperate times. Follow this journey, and you will never forget there is hope even in the darkest moments.

Talk Description
We spoke in whispers

This talk covers shocking poverty and the desperate need to survive. 

Edward Denmark grew up in a typical council house of the type that can be found up and down the country. There, the similarity with everyday families ends and the recipe for hardship and tragedy begins to unfold.

Edward spent a long period in the hospital with illness at a young age and after being nursed back to health he went home to start a life with his two brothers and seven sisters and parents. With such a large family life was desperate from the start. However, desperation was to become the least of his young worries when alcohol addiction took control of his mother’s life. From that point on it became more of a fight to survive hunger, bullying and misery. Yet remarkably, he still found moments to laugh and be happy.

It really is a journey of contrasts from utter sorrow and sadness to hilarious escapades. It is therefore even more surprising to discover where he ended up and the final blow.

Further Information
Booking Edward


Edward Denmark can travel both in the UK and worldwide at short notice. Fees will depend on the location and venue size.  All of Edward’s talks are graphic because of the subject, however, depending on the audience and the wishes of the client they can be toned down and modified.